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What can we do for you?
Getting Started
My account upgrading failed. What should I do?
How do I upgrade my Basic Account?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
How long does KYC verification usually take?
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Account Security
How can I change my login password?
How can I change my mobile number in the OwnBank app?
How can I change my PIN?
Money In & Out
Which banks can I transfer to?
Are there any fees for Cash In?
How can I add cash to my OwnBank account?
What is Time Deposit?
How is the interest of Time Deposit calculated?
What is Own It?
How is Own It interest calculated?
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Own Life
I haven't received my load although my balance has been debited. What should I do?
I bought load for a wrong mobile number. What should I do?
What can I buy on Own Life feature?
How do I buy load?
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Other Questions
Where can I check the version of OwnBank?
Where can I give my feedback or suggestion to OwnBank?
Does OwnBank charge an annual fee?
How can I request my Statement of Account?
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What is personal accident insurance?
Why do I need personal accident insurance?
How much is the premium for personal accident insurance?
What is the coverage of personal accident insurance?
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